Sunday, June 17, 2012

Repurposed Life

Welcome and thanks for stopping by!

After several years of contemplating the idea of becoming a Blogger, I've finally done it.  I love writing, inspiring and crafting, so why it took me so long to figure out what to blog about is now perplexing.  I'm not sure where this will lead, but it will be fun.  

When something is used in a new way, different from its original intent and with or without alterations, it is said to be repurposed.  Repurposing has been happening forever.  When we figured out how to turn sticks into spears and stones into contained fire pits to avoid disaster pre-firefighters, we were repurposing the sticks and stones.  Despite that fact, as I type my computer is trying to tell me that repurposed is not a recognized word.  Hopefully, that will change as more of us repurpose.

I found this sign last week at a local consignment shop that reads Allow * Inspire * Support * Embrace.  I love it!  It will be the basis for what is presented here as I share my repurpsed projects with you.

I look forward to getting to know you, inspiring and supporting you  as you too find new uses for found treasures,  and embracing the results.

Again, Welcome.  Please bookmark, Pin and share as you see fit.

See ya soon,

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